16 March 2008


All too often I've come up with authors who have a habit of slapping down their novel onto the forum and leaving it at that. Often, I have no idea where it's going. No, it's not because I'm stupid (well...maybe), but I'm pretty sure its because the only parts I've read belonged to the first chapter, or in most cases, a prologue.

Here's a tip to raise people's interest in your work:


There's a few reasons why:
1) It tells the reader or critiquer what to expect without revealing too much spoilers
2) It shows them that this might actually go somewhere.
3) It shows that you know what you're doing with this work

Yes, a lot of other things like flair, quality of grammar and plot that count for most of the novel's popularity, but first impressions also make a big difference. It helps the reader critiquing the work by stating what you plan to convey. That way, any feedback can say if you were successful at telling the story.

So, remember. Post a blurb.

(Just in case no one knew, a blurb is a shot description of the story without giving too much away. Ever read that paragraph or two behind that paperback novel? That's a blurb.)

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