29 February 2008

How to take Critiques

Alright, while I’m looking for more anti-cheese tips, why don’t you guys read over these for a bit…

Azrael Domination’s Ten Tips of the Day. Topic: How to take Critiques.
(Note: this is obviously for writers only)

(Note 2: I might revisit this in the near future)

1) No matter how harsh the critique, always take it in a good way. Never take it personally, even if it does bite.

2) Acknowledge everything the critique is saying – even if they’re doing it out of spite. Remember, the people most expert at pointing out your mistakes are your enemies.

3) With respect to Tip 2, be sure to filter out any useless stuff. Treat harsh critiques like eating fish. Eat the meat…spit out the bones.

4) Then again, if the critique is totally useless, and is not constructive in any way, you have all the right to give that person a piece of your mind. Be sure to do it in a way that doesn’t make you look like a loser. Be witty, calm, and nonchalant.

5) Unless it’s totally unavoidable, or you’re just addicted to it, do NOT critique a critique. Personal opinions are personal opinions, and it’s only going to be a waste of time trying to change them. Why not change your work first, and maybe the next one won’t be so harsh.

6) Remember, there’s safety in a multitude of councilors. Look at what all the critiques you’ve gotten have in common. Most likely, they’ll all contain the suggestions to correct mistakes that everyone has noticed.

7) Don’t blindly obey a critique either. Analyze it and determine whether it’s reliable and worthwhile.

Any questions?

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