29 February 2008

Rowling Annoyed at Twisted Fan-Author Relations

Steven Vander Ark is the manager of a Harry Potter fansite full of fan fiction and essays, as well as lots of information about the Harry Potter Universe. Now, Ark is attempting to publish an unauthorized reference book, "Harry Potter Lexicon."

Rowling has said that she is annoyed that Ark and the publisher, RDR Books, are arguing that Rowling's acceptance of unofficial Harry Potter websites is justifying the creation of the book.

She says, "I find it devastating to contemplate the possibility of such a severe alteration of author-fan relations."

Rowling intends to publish her own Harry Potter encyclopedia, the sales of which could be compromised by the publication of Ark's own lexicon.

Read the full article here.


Unknown said...

Oh Jesus Christ...
Someone shoot this woman. She needs to get over herself. I mean come on, she's such a copyright, pathetic bully. You're filthy rich and you're throwing a fit when people try to publish a book that acts as a guide to the HP Universe, and now you're doing this.

I hate you J. K. Rowling and may you be a bankrupt, welfare moocher before the year ends just so you can learn a little thing called humbleness and humility.

Unknown said...

Oh, here's RDR's statement on this:

They are in the right here. Sorry Rowling, you lose.

Jordan said...

Man, people like this just make me want to scream. They're so full of themselves. She was good at the beginning, but when she heard the echo of "This is the best book in the world!", she probably just thought "Oh, I don't have to do as much work and put as much effort into writing an actual good book now." Bitch.